Thursday, April 5, 2012

Allow me to introduce myself...

Hello beautiful people! As the new kid on the block of the blogging world, I would like to tell you all a little about myself. I was born in what people call the Miami,FL or as I like to call it The Magic City. My birth certificate reads Tiffany-Ann Gonzalez. I was named Tiffany due to my mom's love for Tiffany & Co. & I blame her for making me into the fashion lover I am today. I mean, I'm named after an incredibly classic brand, it's all her fault. I have pure Cuban blood running through my veins, along with a dash of glitter. Family is priority and my friends keep me grounded. I'm 21 years young and a FIU Panther studying Public Relations and Fashion Marketing, all while working for an amazing PR company called Identity Media Shop. There are two sides to my personality: the fun, crazy, loud and fashion loving diva & the sports junkie, flag football playing, amateur boxer, let's grab a beer with the boys kinda girl. I personally like to think both sides are pretty awesome. Vintage fashion melts my heart and I like to think outside the box with my style. Change is good in my world because doing the same thing constantly just. gets. boring. I blog for the love of writing and fashion. You'll find everything and anything you want to know here, and if you don't find it, you tell me and I'll write it. Now enough about me and let's get onto more important matters...FASHION!

xxox dolls! 

OH! P.S! Please please with a chocolate covered strawberry on top follow and subscribe to my blog, share the page and stalk me on all social media sites. Thanks! 


  1. love the introduction!

    Emma :)

  2. Welcome to the blogging world!

    Laura <3
